Eric Patrick Kelly - Art Guy for Hire portfolio
montgomery redwoods preserve, CA
leopard lily, montgomery woods, CA
montgomery creek, CA
noah purifoy mueseum, joshua tree, CA
owl's head light, ME
spotted towhee, highland springs, CA
fence lizard, hopland, CA
swallowtail butterfly, hopland, CA
manzanita trees, hopland, CA
bushtit. CA
mendocino, CA
clyde the anna's hummingbird. hopland, CA
chanel. Oxnard, CA
sanderling. hollywood beach, CA
red knot. hollywood beach, CA
arroyo, CA
avenue of the giants, CA
yosemite NP, CA
rocky mtn. NP, CO
arches NP, UT
I like taking pictures. Mostly pictures of birds, but of things around birds, too.